Children's message--The Word OF God
I am not doing the children's sermon this week, so I have plucked out an old one. This was the second children's sermon I gave at my current church. I gave it almost 4 years ago, but I still like the message. I like giving kids something to search for in the sermon, giving them a listening point, so if you decide to adapt this one, have fun looking for a little gem for the kids to link into. Although I don't do it as much as I would like to, I like to try to stimulate conversation in families. My dream would be for families to compare notes about worship in the car ride home, and talk about what they think about a particular idea or story well into their lunch each Sunday, so I do try to stimulate that type of conversation when I can.
Since we do not have a dedicated education hour, most of the time our children are not in worship for the majority of the service. On the day I gave this sermon, it happened to be a day when the older kids stayed in worship (which happens here on holiday weekends and in the summertime).
So anyway, here is a children's sermon. . .
In worship, sometimes it is hard to follow things, isn't it? But it is OK to ask questions if you are confused, and it is a good idea to ask your parents or other adults about things after the service too.
I'd like to tell you a story. When I was a little girl, before the sermon, my minister used to say "Listen for the word of God". Only, it always sounded to me like he was saying "listen for the word God". Now, to Little Girl Becky, this meant, keep a count of how many times he said the word "God" in the sermon. I'd try my best to keep count--I kind of half expected someone to ask me how many I counted as I was leaving church!
Now, do you think that we really come to church to count words? Of course not! We come to church to try to listen for the word OF God--to hear parts of the Bible and to hear our ministers help us to understand how the Bible, the word OF God, can be meaningful in our lives.
Now, I will not ask you to count words today, but for those of you who are in worship today, I do want you to listen for something. In his sermon, Rev. Doll is going to tell a story about an Abbott (who is a very religious man) who goes to visit a very wise man who he calls a "Guru". There is something that we can learn from this story. I want you to listen very carefully and see if you can figure it out. And after church, be sure and talk with your parents or another adult about what we can learn from this story. And for those of you who are going to Sunday School, your parents and brothers and sisters will have to pay extra special attention to the sermon so that they can tell you about the story too!
Let's Pray:
Lord, thank you for bringing us here today. . .
To hear your word to us. . .
in worship or Sunday School.
I hope that this children's sermons is be helpful to you, and if you do use it, I ask that you list my name only if it appears in written form anywhere.
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