Thursday, March 20, 2008

Easter 2008 Children's message

Children’s Message—You are not alone
Easter Sunday, March 23, 2008
John 20:1-18, Matthew 18:20

So imagine that you and your family have taken a walk around your neighborhood. Since everyone else is a bit of a slow poke, and you are a fast walker, you return home a full block ahead of the crowd. When you get there—the front door is open. You know that you locked it when you left because you all had to wait for your mom as she was locking up.

You can think of a few options—good and bad—
Maybe robbers are in your house right now
Maybe Grandma and Grandpa visited and let themselves in with a key
Maybe (even though your birthday isn’t until June) there is a surprise party inside waiting for you!

So what do you do? Maybe you walk right in to see what is up, but more likely than not, you run back down the block for reinforcements (“Hey Guys—the door is open—come with me!!)

That was kind of the way things happened for Mary on that first Easter meeting according to the Gospel of John. In all of the other Gospels, there is a group, but John tells of the story with just Mary. Mary Magdalene came to the tomb and found it open. The gospel writer continues that she ran to Simon Peter and the others, “They have taken the Lord out of the tomb and we do not know where they have laid him”. Like you might think if you found your front door open, Mary’s instinct was that it was robbers.
Because—really, at a time like this—when you are unsure, you are scared, and you are wondering what you might discover, the last thing you want is to be alone.

From them moment of the resurrection to today—that has been our instinct. Gather together. When scary things happen—gather with your church. When sad things happen—gather with your church. When things that are wonderful beyond your sweetest dreams—like Jesus triumphing over death—happen—gather with your church.

Jesus said, “For where two or three are gathered in my name, I am there among them.” (Matthew 18:20)

The good news of Easter is that Christ is risen. The church’s job is to share that good news in our community and beyond.

Let’s pray: Loving God
We thank you that we are not alone
We thank you for those we seek with
We thank you for helping us all to find Jesus
Christ is risen!
Alleuia, Amen.


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