Children's Message--Advent week 3
Children’s Message
Sunday, December 11, 2005—Advent Week 3
Worship the babe
I talk to you up front here a couple of times a month, and there is a little part of my brain that is always thinking of what I might share with you when I talk to you all together like this.
So this week, I thought and thought and thought. I thought about Advent, this week’s scripture, holiday traditions, songs and books. My daughter’s favorite books this week is one called “Sleepy Jesus” and it tells the story of the nativity centered around the sleepy baby Jesus.
Now when we first got the sleepy Jesus book at my house, I remember looking at the title and thinking, “well I don’t know if that is a very respectful title!” I mean, we are talking about Jesus here—teacher, healer, SAVIOR of us all!! Except, this month, we are talking about the amazing miracle that this teacher, healer, savior came to us as a babe—as a small child—even smaller than all of you.
Have any of you ever had the chance to hold a sleeping baby? I actually was lucky enough this week to get to hold TWO sleeping babies. Little babies—one just a few weeks old, one a few DAYS old. If you have ever done it, you know that it is quite a special feeling. They are soft, and warm, and they kind of melt right into your arm or shoulder. I don’t think a person can feel more needed or useful than when they are holding a sleeping little baby.
The Junior choir sang these words a few moments ago, “Worship the babe, who in weakness is might.” While we spend most of the year thinking about Jesus as a healer, teacher and savior, we have spent the last few weeks, and will continue to spend the next few preparing to celebrate and worship Jesus as a tiny babe.
Let’s pray:
Loving God
Be with us the next few weeks
As we continue to prepare to celebrate
The birth of the Baby Jesus. Amen.
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