Wednesday, June 04, 2008

Children’s Message, Sunday, June 1, 2008--Weave us together

Junior choir—I want to thank you so much for your beautiful introit*. All week I have been thinking of these words. Weave us together in unity and love. My favorite part is, “we are many colors, each one different from the other, but we are all entwined with one another in one great family.” Wow. If that doesn’t describe how we try to be as I church, I don’t know what does!

One of the great parts of this time of year is that we have the chance to thank everyone for all the work that goes into making Third Presbyterian Church such a great place.

§ A few weeks ago, we had music recognition Sunday where we thanked not only the choirs, but the ushers and special readers and everyone that makes worship here so important.

§ In two weeks, we will thank the teachers and youth advisors and everyone who teaches here and helps all of you and all of the youth grow in faith.

§ And this week, we are thanking the outreach volunteers who give their time and energy to fulfill this church’s commitment to justice and service.

I think about these three areas where we do such important work—worship. . . education. . .service and I think that they are really the basis of who we are. And when I think of “weaving” I think of a braid, and how when you take three things and braid them together, they are strong and sturdy—and more importantly, if you didn’t have one part, the braid would be so much weaker.

Let’s pray: Loving God,
Weave us together
In worship, education and service

* Song "Weave" By Rosemary Crow