Thursday, March 09, 2006

Children’s Message Sunday, March 19, 2006--One Great Hour of Sharing

(This is still a work in progress, but I will be away from my computer for a week and wanted to post what I had before I left.)

For 57 years, churches in the United States have been giving money to One Great Hour of sharing. Millions of dollars have been given to help people around the world through Presbyterian Disaster Assistance, Presbyterian Hunger program and Self Development of People.

For as long as I can remember, we have also been giving kids banks, mostly, these fish shaped banks. Even when I was a kid, we had these fish banks. And so, again, this year, I am happy to give you all fish banks. You will have three weeks to fill your banks. There is a pamphlet that you will get with your bank that gives you some ideas of how you might want to fill your bank, or you may have ideas of your own, or you may do a combination of the ideas from the brochure and your own ideas. No matter how you decide to fill your banks, I will encourage you to fill them up! I hope that on Palm Sunday when you all bring your banks back that we have a bunch of big, heavy fish!

I love the scripture that has been chosen to go with OGHS this year. It comes from Matthew and this is the portion of scripture that was chosen, “When was it that we say you thirsty?” Jesus was telling his disciples that whenever they see anyone who is thirsty (or hungry or in any need) and give them a drink (or helps them in any way) it is like they are doing it to him. And with this offering, I think it is kind of cool to think of it in that way—that every nickel or quarter that we put in our banks will go to help someone in need, and, according to Jesus, helping someone in need is just like helping Jesus.

Let’s Pray:
Loving God
Help us to help your people
Through our offerings to One great hour of sharing.


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