Children’s Message
This Children's message was originally given on Sunday, March 27, 2005 (Easter). As I ponder what to do this year, I thought I would post last year's as I continue to search for an idea for one for this year. . . .
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Raise your hand if you saw the movie, “A Bug’s Life”. Like many movies, it ends with the words, “the end” on the screen, and then goes to the credits. You thought it was all over, didn’t you?
But was it really the end? If you remember, during the credits there were some really funny “out-takes” from the movie. Some people think that last bit is one of the best parts of the whole movie.
How often does it happen that you think something is finished, but it really isn’t?
Have you ever finished opening presents on your birthday or Christmas only to find that there is one more extra special present hidden somewhere?
How about on the fourth of July at fireworks as you’re having a picnic and watching fireworks. Has there ever been is a burst so spectacular, you’re sure it must be the end, but then something even more beautiful comes?
Imagine how Jesus’ disciples felt early that first Easter morning. They had been blessed to have Jesus with them as their friend and teacher and leader, and they treasured that special time with him, but they were sad because they saw Jesus on the cross and they thought it was all over.
When the two Marys got to the tomb that morning, they suddenly were surprised with the wonderful news that it was not all over! Jesus had risen from the dead!
It was not the end of the story as Jesus’ disciples had expected, it was a whole new beginning. What Good News!
Let’s pray: Loving God
We rejoice in the Good News!
We thought it was all over
But Jesus Christ is risen indeed!
Alleluia, amen!