Wednesday, April 12, 2006

Children’s Message—OGHS Bank Collection

Sunday, April 9, 2006 (Palm Sunday)

Wow—that is a lot of banks! Thank you for doing such a great job filling them up and bringing them in.

Now, who remembers what our theme for OGHS this year was? (water).

Have you ever had a leaky faucet at your house? The water just slowly drips out, but it does it all the time? It seems like it is hardly worth worrying about—not enough to clean the dinner dishes or wash your face or even brush your teeth. Now, have you ever pulled the drain shut in that sink to see what happens? Imagine if you pulled the drain shut on a leaky sink for three weeks—do you think all those drips would add up to a full sink? Do you think there would be enough to do the dishes? Wash your face? Brush your teeth?

I kind of like thinking about our banks that way. You all had these banks for three weeks, and in that time, hopefully, you paused every day or every few days or once each week and added some coins to your bank. And just like little drips of water, each coin that each one of you gathered together, which might not seem very impressive or useful alone, suddenly becomes two big heaping baskets full of HEAVY fish that we can share with One Great Hour of Sharing to help people make a real difference in their lives, and for that I certainly give thanks!

Let’s pray: Loving God
We ask you to send our love
Along with this money
To places of need in the world.


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