Jr. choir and Mrs. Lenti—I really like the new introit you did today! “Day by Day” has always been a favorite of mine.
I think it is especially appropriate for the start of Lent, a season of 40 days of preparation before Easter.
The song lists three things to pray for:
To see God more clearly
To love God more dearly
To follow God more nearly.
Every year at Lent, I try to focus on some aspect of my faith. One year, I read all of the gospels,. Once, I did journaling I have given things up and taken things on.
Earlier in the week when I was reading through the bulletin, and reading the lyrics to the junior choir introit, it struck me that perhaps this year, I could focus on the ideas in the song, “Day by Day”.
See God more clearly. I wonder if things would seem different if I tried to see God in every day things. Could I see God’s presence in nature? In people? In stories on the news?
Love God more dearly. I wonder if things would seem different if every day, I could remember that everything I have, everything around me was a gift from God. Would that help me to love, and show my love for God even more?
To follow God more nearly. God gave us lots of instructions. A whole book of them, in fact. It isn’t always easy to follow some of them. I wonder if things would seem different during Lent if I took more time to read God’s big instruction book, and tried harder to follow God.
Maybe you can come up with some challenges for yourself this year during Lent.
Let’s pray: Loving God
Help us to see you
To love you
And to follow you
This Lenten season. Amen.