Children’s Message, Sunday, January 28, 2007
Today after we leave worship, the adults will hear the story of God’s call to Jeremiah.
There are a lot of things that I like about this story.
Jeremiah was a kid when God called him. I like that because it helps remind us that God has great things planned for all people—not just the big and powerful.
God tells Jeremiah not to be afraid, because God is with him. I really like that part, because it reminds to us that we are not alone in the scary times—that God can be with us, too.
But I think my favorite part of this story is what God says to Jeremiah at the very beginning—he says, “before I formed you in the womb, I knew you, and before you were born. . . I appointed you a prophet. . . “ (1:5)
God had a plan for Jeremiah—a big plan as a matter of fact. And God has plans for us—OK—not as big as the plans that God had for Jeremiah, but plans none-the-less. And that is a thought that comforts me.
Let’s Pray: Loving God
You created us
You know us
You call us—
Help us to listen.
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