Thursday, June 01, 2006

Pentecost Children's Message

Children’s Message
June 4, 2006, Pentecost
Acts 2:1-21

Today is Pentecost. Pentecost is sometimes referred to as the church’s birthday, so in celebration of the church’s birthday, I brought in a balloon so we could be a little more festive. Next week in church school chapel, our theme will be the story of Pentecost, so we will learn even more about this special day and the story that goes with it.

Now, one reason I chose a balloon rather than confetti or a party hat, was that we can use the balloon to remind us of how we are as the church. Frankly, I’m not getting much of a festive vibe from this balloon right now, are you? What’s wrong with the balloon? That’s right, it’s not blown up. It is this empty, rubber blob right now. Now, I know that you all have seen balloons before, so you can perhaps imagine how different it would be if it were blown up, but right now, it is empty.
On the day of Pentecost God breathed life into the church by giving us the Holy Spirit. Before the people of the first church received the Spirit something was missing. They didn't go anywhere. They didn't tell other people about Jesus. But on the day of Pentecost God did for the church what I just did for the balloon. God breathed life into it. The Holy Spirit is like the breath that is in the balloon - it allows a person to come fully alive to God and able to do and be all that he or she is meant to be.

Let’s pray:
Loving God, bring new energy to us, like air in a balloon, fill us with the Spirit. Amen.

Adapted from a children’s sermon by Rev. Richard J. Fairchild - Spirit Networks, 2006, as found on


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